Lighthouse Evangelical Presbyterian Church
We believe that salvation is based on God's favor toward us in Christ and is in no way merited by our works.
Lighthouse Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner. It was a wonderful time for all.
Richmond, Ohio Christmas Events
Sunday Sermon 11/10/24
Looking Back While Moving Ahead | Rev. Dr. Bob Stauffer
Sermon Title: Looking Back While Moving AheadSermon Text: Joshua 22Speaker: Rev. Dr. Bob StaufferChurch Website: lighthouseonthehill.org/
Wonderful Caring Closet Giveaway !! Praise the Lord !!It's been a wonderful day at the Caring Closet, seeing so many people being blessed. When my wife and I arrived at 7:40, the parking lot was completely full and there were people lined up waiting for the doors to open. After an opening prayer, I walked into the room where there were 30 or more people finding clothes for their families. It was so good to see God's little church building being used to meet the needs of so many of our neighbors. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
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